In the first week of February every year, there’s a great young guy who I wish a ‘Happy Birthday’ at the bottom of the Moowsletter.

This year the message was brief. “Happy Birthday Shahab Sayyad, the best chef I have ever met. You’re a gun! “

He had just turned twenty-four.

‘Shabs’ is also an Australian born Muslim so according to his mates, that makes him a Mossie.

And even though he’s one of the nicest guys you could ever meet with enough friends for ten men…the Boy. Can. Cook!

For example, while he was still in primary school, if his mum was doing a double shift at the hospital he’d slip a lamb roast into the oven or knock up a delicious stir fry for he and his older brother to share with their mum when she got home.

So, to everyone who knew him, it was a given Shabs would be a chef. But not just any chef, a great chef.

He sailed through school in a breeze and then when the chance came to do work experience, he did the unthinkable. He put his name down to be an electrician!

I couldn’t believe it.

And just so we’re clear, I have nothing against ‘sparkies’, but pulling wires wasn’t him.

He then tried to join the Navy as a technician but fortunately got knocked back because he was too young. I say fortunately because he wanted to be something other than a chef.

BTW, I have nothing against the forces either. I think they are wonderful career paths, but Shabs kept side stepping the truth.

The unfortunate part about getting rejected from the Navy was he spent the first year out of school drifting, doing dead end jobs.

Incidentally, Shahab in Persian means, ‘Shooting Star’.

Heart to Heart
By this stage, it was impossible to know if Shabs or someone else had put the flame out on a promising career. Sadly, he’d just gone completely cold on being a chef.

And then one night after he cooked another delicious dish for his Mum and brother, she put the hard word on him. She asked him why he turned his back on being a chef…especially when he was So. Damn. Good!

And then out it came.

He said, “I don’t want to be like Gordon Ramsey!”

In short, Shabs thought being a chef was all about screaming and swearing at people.

But there was another side of Ramsey that Shabs hadn’t seen, but fortunately his Mum had.

So, she made him watch some of Ramsey’s YouTube videos and very quickly Shabs saw the other side of Gordon – a brilliant chef, teacher, father and triathlete.

And then a few days later, Shabs fronted his Mum…

“Hey Mum, I want to be a Chef!”

The Shooting Star had reemerged and his Mum was giddy with happiness. And just after she rang me, fate intervened.

Not a hundred paces from where I took that call, I saw a car with ‘Australian Hospitality Apprenticeships’ advertised on the side. I immediately text Shabs the details and the next day he began a four-year apprenticeship as a chef.

The Reasons Why
This week, scores of students commenced their HSC exams and heaps of parents would be wondering if their child should do an apprenticeship or go to uni.

Apprenticeships provide excellent pathways. Here’s a few reasons why I think they are wonderful for school leavers like Shabs.

1. No HECS debt. If Shabs had of gone to Uni, he would have been saddled with a massive HECS debt of approx. $30-40,000 when he graduated. Apprenticeships don’t have that.

2. Tradies are some of the most methodical thinkers I know. If you watch a good builder or mechanic for example, they often have a very systematic approach to solving problems. They often become very good lateral thinkers as well. I like!

3. Most tradies earn very good money. Usually well above the average wage of $84k pa.

4. They develop a skill set that is very transferrable across different careers and countries.

5. It’s quite easy for them to start their own businesses, either on the side or full time.

Sure, there’s the perception that a degree makes someone look professional and understandably, many parents want that for their kids. But as an accountant mate of mine often says about himself, “I’m just a tradie for rich people”.

Shabs went through the same thing. He had the smarts to do a business degree, but it wasn’t him.

And if you’re one of those parents who’s constantly looking for the next ‘boom’ industry because you’re worried about job security just have a think about this…

Do you honestly think, anyone who is good at their craft, who turns up to work on time with the manners to match, will ever be out of work?

Where is he now?
After Shabs completed his apprenticeship and collected every award on the way through, he bought a ticket to London where he got snapped up by a top-end agency.

He’s been there since March and in the space of six months has made quite a name for himself.

So much so, a few weeks ago he cooked for Elton John at a private party hosted by Elton in his home! I kid you not.

And in case you’re wondering about the guest list, it included David Beckham, Ed Sheeran plus a few other blow-ins.

The Message
One of the things I love most about Shabs’ story is it shows life doesn’t always happen in a straight line.

He was always going to go places, it was written all over his chubby cheeks, even in primary school. But maybe he had to go in a different direction for a while to find out what was really in his heart.

Some people are just born to be tradies. To wear anything else but a blue collar to work would be spiritual suicide for them.

If there’s a tradie in your child, I reckon encourage it out, and then back them to the hilt.

They could be another Shabs. ;

Have a great weekend!


Back paddock – (Disclaimer, I have a soft spot for Downs Syndrome) but how cute was that little boy, Luke Vincent, who leapt out of line to hug Prince Harry and stroke his beard on Wednesday at Dubbo!

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