You’re stuck.

You’ve started thinking about your retirement, but you don’t know where to begin.

And every time you do, you loop back to the same two questions…

How much do I need, and will I have enough?

Most of all, you don’t want to take a big drop in living standards.

You’ve worked too hard for that!

So, you start googling and come across some finance expert who reckons you need at least $1 million in super for a comfortable retirement.

You freak out. You don’t have anywhere near that amount because one of you stayed at home doing all the unpaid work raising the kids.

So you ping an email to your accountant and they refer you to someone else because they no longer give financial advice. The Royal Commission scared them off.

You didn’t think it would be this hard.

But then you remember a colleague at work talking about investment stuff, so you invite them out for lunch.

And off they go!

They enthusiastically tell you about their four investment properties plus the squillions they have in super…and why you should do the same thing.

You’re now more confused than ever.

Should you have more money inside super, outside super, or both?

Your head is spinning like a slot machine.

What to do?

If this sounds like you, then we may have something you might be interested in…

Recently I’ve been working on an idea called, ‘The One Page Financial Plan’.

I’ve already shown it to a group of friends and they love it.

And now I want your opinion before we roll it out to the rest of the world in 2023.

So what is it?

The One Page Financial Plan outlines your financial dreams and aspirations plus a 90-day action plan to get you started.

It also includes our fees plus next steps in case you want to proceed further and have a bigger plan done afterwards.

Who is it for?

The One Page Plan has been specifically designed for those people who need financial advice but don’t know where to go, how it works, or what it costs.

The One Page Plan is like an entrée at a new restaurant.

It’s a low-risk way of trying something new without spending a heap of money. But of course, if you’d like the full Enchilada, you have that option as well.

How much does it cost?

The One Page Financial Plan costs $550.

And because it’s only eight weeks until Christmas, all proceeds will be donated to the Loaves and Fishes Restaurant at Ashfield for the homeless.

We estimate a donation of $550 will feed 70 homeless people on Christmas Day.

What happens if I get the One Page Plan and I don’t like it?

It’s simple. We won’t ask for your money, but we will ask for your feedback. We will also ask that you make a donation to the Loaves and Fishes and help feed the homeless this Christmas. Even if it’s just $50.

How do we get started?

There’s a maximum of 12 spaces available while we trial the One Page Financial Plan.

If you would like us to reserve a spot for you, just reply to this Moowsletter and we’ll send you an outline of next steps plus some more information about what’s involved.

Are you unstuck now?

Have a great weekend!


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Information provided by Suncow Wealth is general in nature and does not take into consideration your personal financial situation. It is for educational purposes only and does not constitute formal financial advice. Remember, the value of any investment can go down as well as up. Before acting, you should consider seeking independent personal financial advice that is tailored to your needs. Suncow Wealth Pty Ltd is a Corporate Representative No.441116 of AFSL 342766.